Soft Cover, 176 Pages W/ Over 500 Photos
A Must Read Book For Any C3 Owner
The Corvette is in a league of its own. As the all-American V-8 sports car, no other high-performance American car can match it for enthusiast…
Troubleshooting manual. Complete step-by-step diagnosis of your C3 Corvette headlamp and wiper door systems.
This guide completely explains how the headlight and wiper vacuum systems are supposed to work and offers troubleshooting…
Soft Cover, 176 Pages
About a half-million Corvettes were sold between 1968 and 1982, and the distinctive Shark body style with the combination of V-8 power has gained legendary status. Some Corvettes are too rare and…
Soft Cover, 192 Pages
A Must Read Book For Any C2 Owner
The Corvette is in a league of its own. With a fanatical following and legendary performance reputation, GM has continuously produced model after memorable model…
Note: This is not a "how to" manual
Inform yourself with this restoration guide for the 1968-1982 Corvette models, taking you through the many restoration options available for those model years.
Don't start your restoration without the 1953-72 Corvette Chassis Restoration Guide. This 86 page softbound book covers frame,stenciling, serial numbers, shims, suspension, springs, drive shaft, rebound straps, stabilizer bars, gas tank…
The single most helpful reference books available anywhere, period. Each manual is the result of hundreds of research hours by the most knowledgeable hobbyists in the country. They are the culmination of everything currently known about…